I had lunch with a woman yesterday who recounted the struggles she had with her very rebellious daughter. And today my boss and I had a conversation about mother-daughter relationships and how they inevitably seem to go sour and how we both treated our mothers terribly for a while.
I can remember those days clearly -- with shame. I have no idea why I treated my mother so poorly. Frankly, I don't see how she kept from shipping me off somewhere until I came to my senses.
I hope it won't happen with me and Punkin, but chances are it will, even if just for a brief period of time (at least I hope it's brief). I don't know if my kids will ever read this blog, but just in case they do, I'd like to tell my future teenaged daughter a few things.
Dear Punkin,
I love you. I was thrilled when I found out I was having a girl. Now I had somebody to have tea parties with. Somebody to play dress up with. But also somebody to pass along my love of baseball and football too. And don't even get me started on the girl clothes!
And you and I have already had our struggles -- HELLO terrible twos! But we also have our good times. Every morning when I wake you up, I sit down beside your toddler bed and you crawl into my lap, resting your head on my shoulder while you wake up. Lately you've taken to asking me to lie down beside you. And I comply -- who could resist such a sweet request? (though I do fear for the toddler bed slats!)
Every day when I pick you up from school, you run to me yelling "MOMMY!" and I yell out "Poodle Bear" which is my other pet name for you. Or "Poodle Pants." Or "Punkin Butter." I pick you up and we give each other a big hug.
Tonight as we were getting ready for bed you said something about "My very best friend ever."
"Who's your best friend ever?" I asked.
"You are!" you said, your gorgeous smile lighting up your face as you wrapped your arms around me.
"You're my best friend ever, too!" I said. And you are.
See, you did like me once. And one day you will again.
I love you, Punkin.