Since last Thursday, Mr. Daddy and I have basically been living technology free. No television. No internet. No phones. Well, we have all the accoutrement, but no service. And to tell you the truth, it's been kind of nice. We go home. We cook dinner. We play with our toys -- well the kids do. No television zombies, no telemarketers interrupting our dinner.
But also? No blogging. While I have definitely missed reading your blogs, I have missed mine, too. I've read blogs sporadically at work -- on my lunch break and such. And I've blogged a few times here, but it really hasn't been the same. I feel like I'm missing out on so much. But to tell you the truth, having a break has been kind of nice.
Tomorrow the television and internet installer is supposed to hook us up, literally and figuratively. And then, hopefully, we'll be back in the swing of things. But maybe we can take some lessons we've learned from the last couple of days -- we CAN survive without television -- and make some changes in our life. Right, Laurel?
Mixed Bag
13 years ago
yeah going unplugged I think would be possible for us but I do so love my TV.
With Boog being sick the past several days I am terribly behind on my blog reading and I feel like I terrible blog citizen. He just won't let me be on the computer when I'm home. What can you do?
Hahahaha! The trend is catching on!!! I haven't been perfect. I'll cop to some tv watching during the week, but not much, and you know what? I'm reading a whole lot more. I'm glad you'll be online again. I've missed your regular posts and comments. But agreed: the vacation is nice, and frankly, if I ever move, it will take me months to get back to "regularly scheduled" life.
If you had asked me three years ago if I could survive without TV, I would have slapped you and asked you how you dared to even suggest such a thing. Now? I could totally live with TV. Currently I have it on for about an hour in the morning while I get dressed and get the Toddler up. That's all. I could give that up, too, if Lost and Prison Break were no longer on TV.
I hear ya on the difficulty blogging away from home. I can't write all in one shot. I need time to walk away and come back to edit. Repeatedly. I hope your dealer, I mean installer, hooks you up!
the writer's strike has certainly made it a LOT easier for me to not watch TV, or just have it on for background noise once everyone goes to bed...but I come from a LOOOONNNGGG line of couch potatoes.
Sometimes a break is a good thing.
I know what you mean! I've been trying to catch up from Easter myself. And, I get the need for the break, too.
It's amazing the technology you can do without. I just don't want to do without it for very long.
Years ago, we cancelled our cable t.v. At first, we were so BORED but got the hang of just a handful of channels. Now, except for LOST, I don't care if the t.v. is ever on.
The computer, however...
We missed you, MQ! Glad to have you back, and good luck with the whole getting hooked up thing.
Yep, you know we have entered our twilit Geritol Years when "hooking up" refers to the cable guy...ACTUALLY hooking up your cable. Instead of you (does a shot of prune juice)
Oh, MQ, I totally know what you mean about being a television (and blogging) zombie! My break was great, but I think that I'm developing a new attitude about blogging. I'm only doing it when I can...I refuse to carry around my guilt for not blogging more than once a week any longer! Non-bloggers unite!
On another note, I'm so happy that you got moved! Name the day, and I'll be up there ready to shop with you!
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