Thursday, July 29, 2010

Possum Tales

We are so country, y'all. What passes for excitement around our house these days is truly astounding.

It all started when I took Toby after dinner. He beelined to the edge of the yard where we discovered a dead possum. I'm pretty sure it hadn't been there when I took him out after work, but I can't say for sure. Anyway, when I went inside I mentioned it to Mr. Daddy because I didn't want the thing stinking up the yard or to be a temptation for Toby or my dad's two dogs. Dogs have a love of the putrid you know. I wanted him to get rid of it 'cause that's like in the man bylaws -- men have to deal with dead stuff. We give birth and breastfeed and they have to get rid of carrion.

By the reaction from the younger set in my house, you would think I had announced that I had found Santa's secret workshop in our backyard. Both children immediately yelled "I want to see it!" which was complicated by the fact that Punkin was in the bathtub. When I told Bubba to get his shoes on, Punkin let out a wail of despair. So, I told her to dry off and put her bathrobe on and I would carry her out to see the dead possum.

We all trouped out to the back of the yard. Yep. There he was. Dead as a doornail. And uuuugly. We stood there staring at it for a second or two. We turned it into a mini science lesson by examining all the beetles and flies who had come to do their job. Then we all tropped back into the house.

It was probably the most exciting thing that's happened all week.

But the possum moon must be in retrograde or something because this is my second encounter with possums this week. On my way in to work on Tuesday, my co-worker called me and asked me if I was at work yet. When I informed her that I was just leaving the deck she said "Look out for the possum on the ramp near the building. It's creeping me out!"

Only, I thought she said "Look out for the coffin on the ramp near the building" and I was all like "what the hell? It's creeping her out? Of course it is! What's a coffin doing next to the building." So my whole way into the building I was looking everywhere for a coffin. The possum could have been right beside me and I wouldn't even have known because I was looking for a creepy ass coffin. The whole coffin/possum mix-up was cleared up when I got into the office, but it was pretty funny. Apparently the possum stared my co-worker down as she entered the building. Frankly, that sounds about as creepy as a coffin.

I hope last night's possum is the last one I'll encounter for a while. I can't handle too much more excitement.

Don't you wish you lived my life?


maggiegracecreates said...

Love it. Did you know that they eat dog food? We keep the food in a tote and the possums and raccoons get into it and eat.

Have a wonderful day.

StephLove said...

Maybe you will find a coffin in the yard next.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx said...

Love your last line! Funny story.

MacKenzie said...

OMG I'm famous! I'm the coworker who saw the possum on my way into work. What is going on with the possums in this town?!

Unknown said...

Hmmm. It IS the week for possums. B. saw one in our driveway when he pulled up last night. He said it stared at him for a minute and then waddled off toward the backyard. And we live in the suburbs!

Unknown said...

I am *still* laughing about the coffin. lol Is it so wrong that I kinda wish that had happened to me? Because that? Is hilarious! A good laugh like that always make the rest of the day a little better!

Unknown said...

I hope Mr. Daddy built the possum a proper coffin! tee hee...

Burgh Baby said...

Boring is good, I think. I'm all for a drama-free life.

Rougeneck said...

Last summer I came home to a dead possum at the entrance to my driveway. I had just moved into my own place and had no man and no shovel to dispose of the roadkill. Fortunately, someone (or something) saw something in the dead possum that I didn't see (like dinner) and it was gone the next day.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That is hilarious! Jonathan would have said the same thing! "Let me see!"